Inspiration...Sadness...and whatever life takes
Wednesday, July 28, 2004

On the way down,
I'd see a glimmer of light.
And it peeked,
and sneaked its way into our world.

Chased away my blues.
The frigid wave turned warm,
and I could now hear the magpies sing.

Sunday, July 25, 2004

The Things That Make Me Better Than Anyone Of You.
I am at the peak.

Thursday, July 22, 2004
"I bawled.
Only the mountains could hear." - cuRRent...jer

A vespertine whiff wafted with,
the puler and that  indocile sniff.
I bawled and wailed and cried,
at the mountains who would merely sigh.

Hear me not?
Those thoughts.
Haunts me. It does. They plant a fear.
Why would no one hear?

Flailing my arms desperately,
coveting that attention..."Help" increately.
That ineffable word that would break my hubris,
that would break me into barely debris.

Bloody irony... 


Sunday, July 18, 2004

"Oh! Little lord!"

That piercing scream,
and that gasp which ensued.
Ah! Casting me into your lethal dreams,
as you plunge into me with your Little Lord,

A velvet libation of life spills forth,
as pain transmutes into blinding pleasure,
while your consecrated wepon stands aloft.

Sanguinary Mary! Shifting into a high-pitched wail.

For more. The tearing and the tearing. I plead.
The rapture and the rupture.
Against another body I beat.

An immense moan.
Ah! That pristine effusion.
It came, that essential foam... of life.

"Oh! Little Lord!"

The macerated saint and I,
stacked in a quixotic, languid mess.
I could have sworn, we were just now rowdy.

The Little Lord's vestal mother appeared.
Her face so grim. "Oh! What killed you?"
Staring impassively at the Little Lord's body.

Oh! Little Lord.
Look how dirty you have become!
How will it fit the chalice anymore?

Your white robes..

"Oh! Little Lord." I lament...
Let the Little Lord rise again; let me take him into the heavens again.


Wednesday, July 14, 2004

The latest Christian evangelical movement that invaded my home, characterised by utter zeal and crusading madness, admist Joulenaeir's truculent barking at these troglodytical aliens, twisted my impression of charismatic christian groups yet again.

I attempted to be polite and tried to shoo them away amicably but they persisted in telling me that my parent's deity idols were wrong and of that sort. That got me quite upset and I blew, sending them away in bits and pieces. Surely, they would have known that was insensitive. Not that I am against Christianity on the whole nor am I a person who enbraces a specific faith like my parents, I believe these charismatic groups require more savoir-faire and shrewdness in proselytising a poor sod like me.

The manner in which they tried to propogate their dear Jesus just makes you want to drop a monumental cross on them. A lot of Christians have the warped misconception that exclusive faith in the very noble 'accept-no-substitutes' son of God would grant you a ticket gratia to "eternal orgasm" heaven. If only it were that simple...and easy...granted it may be an exceedingly facile notion....even I am tempted to believe...

As an agnostic, I quote,
"Faith is universal...but understanding it is arbitraty."

From "The Force" to the "Lets Jihad!" Islam, (Pardon the fashion I might be potraying some religions in") ,these paths inexorably leads to God. The power of God does not lie in scriptures and religious leaders; it lies in our hearts and in the choices we make in light of our religions.

The next time they (charismatic group masses) stand at my door to question about "OUR God" and start quoting inane verses from the oh! Holy! bibble which I have read over and over again, I will hang them from the nearest tree. Bunch of sanctimonious morons.


Tuesday, July 13, 2004

When the world grows dark...

"Who would you be with?
What would you become?"

is entering a caliginous aspect....
Sunday, July 11, 2004

The eradication of ignorance.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

The intimate white,
it speaks to my desire.
I was once potrayed in such light;
tis' nimbus, it did burn like fire.
The (white) faces; chattering...a confabulation of their own.
I become an estranged one,
beyond what mortal men could condone
rendered a lowly plebian; I am done.

Viciously ripped from the direct fabrics,
of heaven purported full of grace;
its device a bloody rubric-
for eternity would never be replaced.
I walk as an oblique enigma,
as the colour tried to wane with time.
I felt the edges of heaven pulled; I couldn't wander far,
I could only sit, in an obscured field of rime.

Wisdom never grew so deep into me,
until I felt it crept outside.
I could never understand; I could only see.
Does one see tis' fright?
The white, the green and then the blue,
tis' hues but a transient phase?
I demand it back! I do
so much, want to recover tis' white days.

pale as the white breeze, the eye cannot maketh its crease, the trough, the zennith, the reeks...Oh! how it piques my curiosity! how it delves into the nebulous truth of reality, how it

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